
16 August, 2009

do you have story for me?

helllooo everyoneee!!! how are you? I hope you guys okay! because I am. I'm tottaly okay now. this shaman already healed up, but it would not happen without the help from all of you! thank you so so so much! you have no idea, how it means to me. your guys is the best! I love you all! for all your help, in return I make a gift for you. I hope you all like it. do you want to know what's the gift is ? hihihi. okay I'll tell you. it's a story! made by me, and then I asked my sister to edit it. and it looks fantastic I think.

Ready for your gift already? okay..okay. let start shall we? the story called "the weather fairy"


Have you ever wondering who's controlling the weather ? and questioning how the weather seems to know you good, they shine upon your smile and in many times outshine on your good day, or how they know you are sad by givng you a dark clouds? or they even cried with you trough their rains? well the answer is... it's because they might actually really know you, and secretly watching you like a spy. there's actually one fairy who have this amazing job . she watch over you, and try to match the weather with your heart. just like when you try to match your dress with your shoes.
long long time ago, when the sky is still pure, when there's no bad smoke tainted the sky, when the air is still clean and even smell so good just like a sweet parfume. at that time people still can see the weather fairy with their naked eyes, people used to give her a wave and a big smile, and she return the wave with gentle fresh wind.


But human are still human, there maybe so many good people with a very good heart, but the bad one is still hanging around, they with their very bad heart. hoggish, greedy,jealousy is what's inside. One of them is Mr. Cruello he's the owner of Cruelly circus, just like the name of his circus he is so cruel, he even have the heart to catch the weather fairy and locked her up in a cage. He asked one of his circus member who have a very very vey long leg to go to the cloud, where the fairy use to play and catch her. Oh no.they got her.


Mr. cruello force the fairy to perform in his circus. what a bad man! he asked the weather fairy to make some rain or thunder. But the weather fairy just stand still and doing nothing, not even a dance.


All of the audience is yelling for some rain and thunder action, but none. not any single wind. Mr Cruello, is now get very angry. He yelled at the weather fairy, but it's useless.


Now Mr Cruello stops yelling and now he starts to begging and crying. all the people want their money back. the weather fairy do feel sorry for him. She said that she will dance and make some rain, if Mr Cruello promise that after that he will let go of her, and all of the circus member that he keep in force. the mermaid must go back to the sea, the giant man must go back to his family, the lion must go back to the jungle, and of course, the unicorn, the elephant do to. Mr. Cruello said yes. anything for people stop yelling.


Mr. Cruello keep his promise, he let go all of the circus member. and everybody is happy. But the weather fairy is still sad. everything will be not the same anymore. now she think about people quite differently. she have to be more careful now. cause people is all not the same. but she loves people to much to ever leave them


After some night she finally have her decision, with a heavy heart she decided that she will still taking care of the weather, but this time is from the moon, where even the tallest man on earth cannot catch her, but now people cannot see her anymore. but you can still feel her sweet wind right? the rain is still come when you sad right? that's mean the weather fairy is still watching and espying you from the moon.

I wear :
cute little hat ( it's actually a headcraft) : Nefertiti Jewelz
(ughh I just loveee their product, it's not just an accessories, it's an art! )
ripple black necklace : Nefertiti Jewelz
black tight shirt : danskin ( yes it's a dancing clothes)
stripes pants : GAP
shoes : wondershoe


So do you like your gift? :) I hope you do. Oh yeaaah I'm super excited, tomorrow is my country independece day! yippiiee!! I love you Indonesia. so much!

oh yeaah! for the next post you will meet Yoda ( yeahh from starwars!) and ultramaan leo! curious? just wait! hehehehe.

Love you all!! Happy independence day!!
kisses and hugs!!!


karl's sweet child said...

one word, superb!!
thanks for the link, evita.. :)

The Fierce Berry said...

your outfit is really nice , especially at the 1st photo

Anonymous said...

you're so adorable little girl :)
can i adopt you? i promise i'll treat you right :P

evita nuh said...

@ karl's sweet child : thank you so much kak! how's your adventure in london?

@ kak alita : thank you soo much! XD

@ kak lidwina :pinky promise? hihihi

Laura said...

That is very, very cute :)

rizky maretha said...

love it chacha :)
thanks for your cutest gift,it's really wonderful story dear.

annisanican said...

hello evita, ..
happy independence day to us. yey.. :D
hihih you're so cute, dear..

muchlove said...

This is wonderful! Such a magical and clever story (you wrote it, right?), and the images are so perfect too.


circa de ciella said...

waaaw.. you're talented to be a writer ^.^
great job, cha..
happy independence day too!

nah nah said...

you're the cutest girl ever,i love your style

visit me yeah :

Nindy Hardjadinata said...

cute and adorable as usually :]

Sastya Wardani said...

so adorable!
totally love your blog! :*

please visit me :

sexyinthecity said...

What an amazing outfit and amazing photos!!!!
You're great!


Fanny Trijayanti said...

so cute! never see this idea before on blogs.

Iqaaa said...

OMG babe, i just lovee your blog,
and your outfit!
its hard to find a nine years old girl doing something outrageous.
and you're so talented like hell.

take care,
little one,
stay cute :)

Carla Novia said...

you are so talented girl =)

Tatiana Romanova Surya said...

another awesome work! heart the story + the outfit + the editing = heart heart heart a lot lot a lot!

Maddie said...

I once wished upon a star that I could control the weather..sometimes I wonder if my dream came true and I don't know how to control it haha

Miss Jeanett said...

Wow, you're so cute!!


kartini said...

you are true prodigy dear :)

DiamondHurts said...

you are MAGIC! just found your blog and it's totally baddassssss!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I love the editing

y said...

wow :o
briliant idea..

does your sister have a blog?

Starr Crow said...

oh my gah, you are so precious! love your photoshop work too. :)

claradevi said...

Hollycow, thanks for coming to my blog so that I could find yours too - a bit annoying when you're late on discovering any amazing blogs, no? You're the real artist - I love your artworks and will keep following for sure. You wrote such magical story and your outfits are just... quaint and adorable. Oh, I'm just kidding with you. Send you kisses! <3

Anonymous said...

okay i officially love you :)
your the cutest thing i have ever seen,
and this story is so darling, your very creative :)
thanks for your lovely comment dear it mans a lot to me :)

xoxo ~bree

eunike said...

great great story! totally wonderfull! keep blogging!

mademoiselle indah said...

hi dear!!

btw, visit me at:



please link my blog, anyway im 12 yearsold haha same country with you. ou avez-vous de marque que les choses? je suis tellement fiere de toi!

CLAZA said...

aww youre adorable :)

Mihael Keehl said...

oh my my blog really a loser compare to you LOL

nice regards from me

Gabi said...

where are those amazing glasses from??

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